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10 Essential Tips for Drivers to Prevent Accidents with Bicyclists

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The recent tragic loss of a cyclist in Cleveland is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities cyclists face on the road. The accident emphasizes the need for greater awareness and caution among all commuters.

Every year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that hundreds of cyclists lose their lives in traffic accidents with motor vehicles, while thousands more suffer injuries. To help reduce these numbers and foster safer shared roadways, drivers can take proactive steps to coexist peacefully with cyclists. It’s important to remember that safety is a shared responsibility.

Here are ten crucial rules to keep in mind when driving near bicyclists:

  1. Understand Cyclist Vulnerability: Remember, cyclists are far more susceptible to a serious injury or worse in an accident. When a car and a bike crash, the person riding the bike is in more danger. Bikes are much lighter than cars, so the rider can get seriously hurt if they’re hit. It’s important for everyone to be careful and watch out for people on bikes.
  2. Know the Rights of Cyclists: Many drivers may not be aware of the rules that apply to cyclists. It’s important to note that bicycles on the road are considered vehicles and must follow the same traffic rules as cars. According to the NHTSA, cyclists aged ten and older should ride in the same direction as traffic and obey all traffic signals. This reinforces that cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists.
  3. Shift Your Perspective: Instead of seeing people on bikes as obstacles, try to think of them as equal road users, just like you. Imagine the cyclist as someone you care about, like a friend or family member. Changing how you think about cyclists can help you be more patient and understanding, which can make the roads less stressful for everyone.
  4. Recognize the Benefits of Cycling: Remember, each cyclist represents one less car on the road, contributing to reduced traffic congestion and less wear and tear on the pavement. Cyclists also help reduce pollution. So, the next time you find yourself waiting behind a cyclist, just remember the positive impact they are having on the road.
  5. Avoid the ‘Right Hook’: When making a right turn at an intersection, remember to look out for people on bikes who might be going straight ahead. A bike could be a little behind and to your right, so it’s important to signal and check before you turn to avoid a dangerous accident. Be aware and let others know which way you’re going ahead of time.
  6. Be Cautious with Left Turns: When making a left turn, always watch out for cyclists coming from the other direction. Even if you have enough time to make the turn, remember that cyclists can be faster than expected. If you’re not sure, just let the cyclist go first, just like you would for a car.
  7. Give Cyclists Ample Space: According to Ohio law, drivers have to keep a good amount of space (at least three feet) when passing a person riding a bike. This rule is meant to make sure that people on bikes are safe and to lower the chances of accidents caused by vehicles getting too close. When drivers go by slowly and pay attention, they can help prevent accidents and make sure people on bikes feel safe.
  8. Stay Focused on the Road: Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents involving cyclists. Always stay alert and avoid distractions like cell phones. Be aware of all road users, not just other vehicles.
  9. Check Before You Open Your Door: Cyclists fear being “doored”—struck by a car door that opened suddenly into their path. Before opening your car door, use your side mirror to check for approaching cyclists. This simple step can help avoid accidents and keep everyone safe.
  10. Embrace the Growing Cycling Community: Cycling is becoming more popular for commuting, exercise, and reducing travel costs. Cities across the country are seeing an increase in cyclists. It’s important for everyone to pay attention to this and make sure we can all stay safe.

By following these rules, drivers can contribute to safer roads for all and promote a more harmonious relationship between motorists and cyclists.

Call Us Today for A Free Consultation

Our bike accident lawyers are not afraid to fight for our clients, and our trial skills have earned us recognition from several national organizations. Our personal injury lawyers actively fight for legislation to protect cyclists.

Call us at 1-800-ELK-OHIO (1-800-355-6446) to schedule your free consultation to learn about your rights and options after a bicycle accident. You may be eligible for payment of your medical bills, property damages, lost wages, pain, and suffering. Request your free consultation today.