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Back-to-School Safety for Parents and Drivers

School bus

It’s back-to-school season! As school buses fill the streets, parents hurry to drop off their children, and young drivers make their way to school, the roads become busier than ever. We collected these essential back-to-school safety tips to help families in our community have a safe and happy school year.

Slow Down in School Zones

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), from 2012 to 2021, 206 school-age children died in school transportation-related crashes, with 78 of those children being pedestrians. This statistic underscores the importance of being vigilant in and around school zones.

One of the most important safety measures is to be mindful of school zones. Always adhere to the reduced speed limits in these areas. Traffic fines are often doubled for offenses that occur within school zones. Additionally, it’s best to drive with extra caution on the surrounding streets, as children may be present outside the immediate vicinity of the school.

Always Stop for School Buses

When a school bus has its red flashing lights on and its stop sign extended, always come to a complete stop and never attempt to pass it. In Ohio, drivers must stop at least 10 feet away from a stopped school bus to allow children to enter or exit the bus safely.

Check out our latest blog to learn more about school buses’ safety and how to ensure the safety of children.

Watch Out for Pedestrians

The back-to-school season brings an increase in children walking and biking to school. Between 2017-2020, 2,409 children and adolescents died from pedestrian injuries. Drivers should always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked. Even if a pedestrian isn’t using a designated crosswalk, stop and allow them to cross safely.

Stay alert for children walking and biking, even outside of designated school hours. Children’s limited traffic experience, unpredictable behavior, and reduced visibility necessitate extra caution from drivers.

It’s Better to Be Late Than Sorry

With the start of the school year, more cars are on the road, leading to inevitable delays. Plan ahead to ensure you’re taking your time to reach your destination. Remember, saving a few minutes is not worth the risk of injuring a child with your vehicle. By being attentive and patient and following traffic regulations, drivers can help create a safer environment for children traveling to and from school.

Make the Roads Safer for Everyone

By being mindful of school zones, stopping for school buses, watching out for pedestrians, and planning our routes carefully, we can contribute to a safer community. Remember, a few extra minutes of caution can prevent a lifetime of regret. Here’s to a safe and happy school year for all!