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Drowning Prevention For Toddlers

Pools and beaches can be a place for fun and making memories during the summer months, but they can also become the scene of a parent’s worst nightmare. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. Many of these deaths...

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Carbon Monoxide & Boating

Boating is a great way to enjoy summer with friends and family while relaxing on the open waters. Unfortunately, there’s a silent killer putting boaters and their family in danger: carbon monoxide. Read our tips for avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning on a boat. What is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless,...

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Graduation & Underage Drinking

With the Class of 2022 graduating, the summer’s celebratory parties are in full swing. While commemorating these exciting moments, parents may feel more inclined to allow or even provide their children with alcohol. The unfortunate reality is that this decision can lead to tragic consequences. Current Ohio Law Consequences Underage drinking can result in...

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What Cities are Opting Out of the New Fireworks Law in Ohio?

As of July 1, 2022, Ohioans can legally set off consumer-grade fireworks on private property. The law specifies that fireworks only be set off on certain holidays, about 20 days a year. The permitted days include: New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Chinese New Year Diwali Cinco de Mayo Juneteenth Memorial Day weekend Labor...

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Avoiding a Highway Shoulder Accident

Highway shoulders are created as a safe zone for cars to pull off in case of emergencies; unfortunately, they aren’t the safest area to avoid an accident. According to AAA, approximately 12% of all interstate highway deaths involve a vehicle on the highway shoulder. Causes of Accidents on a Highway Shoulder Side-swipes/Rear-ending: Some drivers may...

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Memorial Day Events Around Ohio

Memorial Day is a federal holiday occurring on the last Monday of May. Falling on May 30th this year, it is a day to remember and honor those who have lost their lives serving our country. Below is a list of ceremonies and events that the whole family can attend! Name Location Memorial Day...

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Fatal Workplace Injuries in Ohio

While no one expects to get hurt at their place of employment, accidents happen every day. Unfortunately, some of these accidents can be fatal for the employee. Common Causes of Fatal Injuries at Work The data provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the most common causes of these fatal...

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Sharing the Road with Motorcycles

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were more than 5,500 fatalities of motorcyclists in 2020. As the weather gets warmer and more motorcycles take to the streets, it’s important for both motorists and motorcyclists to know how to share the road. 7 Tips for Sharing...

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Understanding an Air Quality Alert

Do you ever go outside and find it more difficult to breathe? In these situations, cities might put out an air quality alert when it could be dangerous to be outside. Here’s a guide to help you understand what the different air quality alerts mean and what to avoid doing during one.   Types of...

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Choosing a Good Nursing Home

By Craig McLaughlin As of 2022, the United States Census Bureau has recorded there to be over 54 million adults 65 years or older.  As people live longer, many Ohioans are going to need medical care and assistance that can only be found at a nursing home.  With over 1,000 nursing homes in Ohio, distinguishing between… read more

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