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Do I Need Uninsured Motorist Insurance?

Here’s an important question to ask yourself: How much could you afford to pay out of pocket if you were injured or your car was damaged by an uninsured driver? What if you were the victim of a hit-and-run? If you have been injured or involved in a hit and run accident in Ohio,...

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Ohio Cracking Down on Distracted Driving

New legislation – the Hands-Free Ohio Bill – seeks to ban handheld electronic devices while driving. “Distracted driving hurts and kills innocent people. It devastates families,” said Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, an ardent supporter of the bill. Under the proposed bill, motorists would be prohibited from activities like watching videos, taking pictures or videos,...

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Lawsuit: Juul targeted kids with online ads

In a new lawsuit, Juul is accused of targeting underage customers in its advertising campaigns.

On February 12, the state of Massachusetts filed suit against the e-cigarette manufacturer and its former parent company – Pax Labs – claiming that the organization aimed its early advertising at children.

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Don’t get scammed by fake love

It’s Valentine’s Day season. Love is in the air. According to a news release from Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, so too are online scams. “A fake online romance can break your heart and the bank,” Yost said. “Knowing how to spot the red flags can keep bad love from getting worse.” (more…)

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University Hospitals’ egg and embryo tragedy: The story

The Story In early March 2018, catastrophic events at a University Hospitals’ (UH) fertility center permanently changed the lives of approximately 950 patients and their families. A malfunction caused temperatures to rise in a freezer tank containing eggs and embryos. Nobody was present in the lab at the time of the incident. A remote...

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Our Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2019

Top posts from 2019 Electric Scooter Laws Cleveland E-Scooter Laws  Protecting Amish buggies in Ohio Ohio taking steps to protect Amish buggies When to stop for a school bus When do you have to stop for a school bus in Ohio? Tips for seniors to avoid falls 5 Essential tips for seniors to avoid...

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Ohio Drivers are the Worst: Driver Report

Quote Wizard, a popular insurance comparison website released its Ohio Driver Report for 2019. The report goes over the best and worst driving cities, best and worst drivers by age group, most popular vehicles by age group, road and bridge quality, and car insurance rates. A number of sources were used to score Ohio...

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Keep your kids safe with these sledding tips

There’s no doubt about it, sledding is tons of fun. It serves as a great winter activity. A day on the hill makes for great family fun and can keep kids occupied for hours at a time. Unfortunately, sledding accidents can also land kids in the hospital. According to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, more than...

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Staying Safe on Ohio Roads this Winter

Winter presents a host of challenges and risks for any driver. Visibility can suffer due to early nightfall, fogged windows and blowing snow. Roads can be incredibly icy; cars can get stuck or may not start. With these and other hazards that come with winter driving, it’s crucial for motorists to be prepared. Below are… read more

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Understanding auto accident case terms: asymptomatic vs. symptomatic

By William J. Price Terms used to describe injuries in auto accident cases can be hard for those outside of the legal profession to understand. One common example of this challenge is the difference between “asymptomatic” and “symptomatic” injuries. This concept is rarely discussed in everyday life but is a very important factor in...

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