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Releasing medical records
Posted in Health & Wellness on January 23, 2019
Individuals have the right, per federal law, to access their medical records. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) gives patients the right to access their health information and medical records. Unfortunately, the hospitals releasing this information are not always consistent in how they deliver that information and what they communicate to patients. A… read more
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What is the Best Way to Avoid Driving While Drowsy?
Posted in Accident & Injury on January 17, 2019
Did you know that driving while drowsy can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated? Despite this fact, reports estimate than roughly 33 percent of drivers have driven when they were extremely tired in the previous month. Unfortunately, drowsy driving is more common than it should be. However, every driver can take steps to avoid… read more
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New law requires hospitals to disclose cost of medical procedures
Posted in Health & Wellness on January 15, 2019
In the United States, health care prices and costs are not easily understood. Most patients do not know how much the medical services they are receiving cost. They submit their bills to insurance, pay their co-pay, and receive a bill. There is little attention paid to the actual cost of services or procedures. But a… read more
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How to deal with a condescending doctor
Posted in Health & Wellness on January 11, 2019
Visiting the doctor is usually not a pleasant experience. The situation is only made worse when the doctor is condescending, confrontational or in a hurry. One thing patients know is that a doctor’s tone and demeanor matter. A recent article on HealthLine examines how a doctor’s words and actions affect patients.
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FDA approves device to detect concussions better
Posted in Accident & Injury on January 10, 2019
After a car accident, fall or collision while playing sports, one of the main concerns victims and medical workers have is whether a person has a concussion. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that can cause some brain damage and chemical changes, even when it is minor. As such, properly identifying a concussion as… read more
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Should pregnant women be included in research studies?
Posted in Health & Wellness on January 7, 2019
A recent article by NPR detailed the challenges doctors face in treating pregnant women with medical conditions – either pre-existing or pregnancy-related. The effects of certain medications may be unknown or unstudied, so doctors often rely on what they’ve always done. Pregnant women are not typically involved in medical research studies, due to ethical and… read more
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Changes coming to Ohio Amish country roads
Posted in Accident & Injury on January 4, 2019
Drivers in and around Cuyahoga county are likely quite familiar with the presence of people in the Amish community. And while Amish and other residents may not occupy a lot of the same spaces together, we do share the roads. Unfortunately, this is creating some serious – and dangerous – problems for everyone. Across Ohio,… read more
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Think twice before driving with a hangover
Posted in Accident & Injury on January 2, 2019
Most people think driving with a hangover is much safer than driving drunk. But a recent article by the American Automobile Association explains why driving while hungover can be as dangerous as drunk driving.
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Dangerous toys of 2018
Posted in Accident & Injury on December 27, 2018
Every year, the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) Education Fund publishes a report detailing findings from a survey on toy safety. This year, the PIRG’s survey included 40 toys. Of those, 15 were found to be potentially unsafe or hazardous due to: Choking hazards Small parts Balloons (which pose the greatest threat of a… read more
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Why do doctors give premature babies caffeine?
Posted in Medical Malpractice on December 26, 2018
Premature births are not uncommon in the U.S. In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that roughly 1 in 10 babies is born too early. However, that doesn’t mean it is any less frightening or overwhelming for new parents. Under these circumstances, it can be easy for parents to feel confused… read more
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