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Why fall risks in nursing homes shouldn’t be ignored
Posted in Health & Wellness on August 22, 2018
Falls at nursing homes and retirement homes are a real safety concern. Many nursing home residents are in the facility because of decreased mobility. Many are no longer able to walk or even stand on their own. Falling is a real possibility, and can have devastating effects.
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Signs of an Impaired Driver
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 22, 2018
Every driver knows that driving drunk is dangerous and illegal. And most people are familiar with the signs that a driver is drunk, from slurred speech to erratic movements or swerving behind the wheel. However, there is another problem that is just as dangerous as driving drunk: drugged driving. Unfortunately, people are less familiar with… read more
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Two important ideas to keep in mind when answering questions in a deposition
Posted in Firm News on August 20, 2018
By William J. Price If you’re ever forced to file a lawsuit, there are many steps you’ll need to take with your lawyer before the claim can be resolved. Before your case goes to trial, you’ll typically be asked to take part in a deposition. This step in the discovery process gives lawyers from both… read more
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Taking a look at Ohio’s most dangerous company
Posted in Workplace Injuries and Claims on August 17, 2018
Workers should never fear for their safety while on the job. But one Ohio company is known to be an especially dangerous place to work. JK Excavating, in Mason, Ohio, was the only Ohio company named to OSHA’s The Dirty Dozen 2018: Employer Who Put Workers And Communities At Risk. The company was recently in… read more
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How To Sue For a Dog Bite Attack In Ohio
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 15, 2018
Ohioans spend a lot of time outside during the summer, whether they are doing yard work, walking around the neighborhood, or eating outside on a restaurant patio. And for the most part, these outdoor excursions are fun – or at least uneventful. That can all change if a person is bitten by a dog. Unfortunately,… read more
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Safety Tips for Drivers 65 and Older
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 14, 2018
A recent study by the AAA Foundation For Traffic Safety found that 83 percent of older drivers never initiate a conversation about driving safety with a family member, doctor or concerned loved one. The Foundation is recommending that family members talk to their loved ones early about aging and driving safety. Talking to a loved… read more
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Shopping for school supplies? Stay away from these
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 8, 2018
In a matter of weeks, children across Ohio will be back in the classroom. That means parents are getting out to do their back-to-school shopping to purchase the things their kids need to have a good start to the new year. If you are among these parents, you should be aware of some potentially hazardous… read more
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More American women die in childbirth than most industrialized countries
Posted in Health & Wellness on August 8, 2018
For nine long months, expectant mothers wait for the arrival of their child. And for most mothers, this is only the first chapter in a long story that is the life of a child. But something is going on in the U.S. A concerning number of women are dying in childbirth or shortly after. According… read more
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What can be done about Ohio’s rising infant mortality & premature delivery rates?
Posted in Health & Wellness on August 7, 2018
It’s something no population wants to hear: That its infant mortality rate and premature delivery rates are high and rising. But in Ohio, it’s a reality.
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Ohio drivers: Why you need to be especially cautious this month
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 1, 2018
Did you know that over the past five years, more Ohioans have been killed in car accidents during the month of August than in any other month? As noted in an article on the deadliest month for Ohio drivers, 563 people died in motor vehicle crashes in August between 2013 and 2017. By comparison, 413… read more
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