Our Blog

Dancing doctor faces multiple lawsuits, has her license suspended

Two of the most important tenets of medical care are trust and privacy. When medical workers violate the trust or privacy of a patient, his or her health and rights could be put in jeopardy. Unfortunately, this happens far too often when reckless or negligent care providers, medical staff and hospitals fail to take their… read more

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Read our white paper: Ohio’s rising infant mortality and premature delivery rates

These are troubling statistics: Both infant mortality rate and premature delivery rate in Ohio are trending high over the past few years. In fact, Ohio ranks among the highest in the United States.

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Don’t discount boat safety

Now that warm weather has finally arrived, time on the lake is a tempting way to spend another Ohio summer. Before setting out, it’s important to remember boating season offers its own unique challenges and risks. A few precautions before you hit the water can help make your summer one to remember, instead of one… read more

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OxyContin is widely abused: Was its manufacturer aware?

When it comes to the opioid epidemic plaguing Ohio and the rest of the U.S., many questions arise as to how and when we arrived at this crisis point – and what part pharmaceutical companies have played. One of the most addictive and problematic drugs involved is OxyContin. It is a popular drug that contains… read more

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Is distracted driving an addiction?

In Ohio, it’s against the law to text and drive; in many other states, it’s against the law to even use a handheld phone while driving. The laws prohibit these distracting behaviors because they put people in danger. Unfortunately, millions of people still get distracted by their phones behind the wheel. They watch movies on… read more

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Elk & Elk offers its paralegals OSBA membership and certification

Skilled paralegals play a critical role in the success of any law firm, and those employed by Elk & Elk are no exception. While there is no standard educational background or licensing required to work as a paralegal in Ohio, the Ohio State Bar Association offers a voluntary credentialing program guided by objective standards which… read more

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Studies suggest overuse of antibiotics among premature babies

When babies are born very early, it is crucial that they receive competent, continuous medical attention. Often, these babies have highly underdeveloped body organs and systems, including their immune system. As a result, they can get very sick very quickly. One step that clinicians often take to protect babies in this situation is administering antibiotics…. read more

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Avoiding an accident this Memorial Day weekend

According to AAA, nearly 42 million Americans will travel this Memorial Day weekend. That is almost five percent more than last year. More travelers means more drivers on our roads, more people getting to and from the airport – and the potential for more roadway accidents. What can motorists do to keep themselves safe while… read more

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It’s not just hot air: Tech firm aims to make motorcycles safer

People often associate motorcycles and those who ride them with recklessness and rebellion. Many see it as a risky means of transportation utilized by people who would rather have fun than be safe. However, motorcyclists value safety just as much as anyone else, and riders typically take whatever precautions they can take to avoid accidents…. read more

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Falls and the elderly: A troubling issue without an easy solution

When elderly loved ones are in the care of medical professionals, we expect that they will be treated with compassion and dignity. They are, after all, vulnerable and often dependent on nurses, support staff and doctors. However, while many people receive a standard level of care in a hospital, nursing home or other care facility,… read more

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