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Recovering for a Birth Injury in Ohio: Compensation can provide for extensive care needs
Posted in Medical Malpractice on April 18, 2018
Elk & Elk Partner Marilena DiSilvio recently shared her extensive experience in the area of birth injuries in an interview with Super Lawyers. This article originally appeared on superlawyers.com. By Judy Malmon Awaiting the birth of a baby is an exciting time that brings with it countless things to think about, including planning for labor and delivery…. read more
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FDA taking action to protect women before using Essure contraceptive
Posted in Drug & Medical Devices on April 17, 2018
After receiving thousands of complaints about Essure, the FDA has taken further action to restrict the sale and distribution of this form of birth control. Essure is a permanent contraceptive device, manufactured by Bayer, and is implanted into the fallopian tubes. The device consists of two metal coils, which, when inserted, cause inflammation. Scar tissue… read more
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Ohio motorists: Beware of impaired drivers this weekend
Posted in Accident & Injury on April 17, 2018
There is no day that it is safe to drive while impaired by drugs or alcohol. However, there are certain days that we routinely seen spikes in such behavior. While these days can be somewhat predictable, it is still all but impossible to stop every driver from getting behind the wheel if they are high… read more
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Signs that could point to nursing home abuse, neglect
Posted in Medical Malpractice on April 12, 2018
If you have a loved one in a nursing home facility, you likely expect that the facility will provide the care they promise and treat your loved one with the dignity he or she deserves. Tragically, this doesn’t always happen. Patients and residents in too many nursing homes across Ohio fall victim to neglect and… read more
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Distracted driving is more prevalent than previously thought
Posted in Accident & Injury on April 11, 2018
Most people are aware of the dangers of distracted driving. In many areas of the country, texting while driving and other forms of distracted driving are illegal. Yet despite the laws – despite the common knowledge that distracted driving is dangerous – the majority of drivers engage in it to some degree.
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Beat the insurance company at their own game: giving your statement after the accident
Posted in Accident & Injury on April 9, 2018
By William J. Price After an auto accident, insurance carriers will often ask you to provide a statement over the phone. This statement is their opportunity to explore how injured you were in the accident.
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Reconstructing Bicycle Accidents in Ohio
Posted in Accident & Injury on April 4, 2018
Reconstructing an accident can be a critical piece of a legal claim following a motor vehicle crash. With sophisticated tools and the experience in this area, reconstruction experts can help answer numerous questions about the incident, from what caused it to who may be to blame. However, this process can be more challenging when it… read more
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Recent Tesla crash raises new questions about safety of self-driving cars
Posted in Accident & Injury on April 2, 2018
On March 23, a man who was driving a Tesla Model-X sport utility vehicle was killed in California. The semiautonomous Autopilot feature was on during the crash. This accident raises more questions about the safety of self-driving technology.
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Letter from University Hospitals reveals new details about catastrophic failure at fertility clinic
Posted in Medical Malpractice on March 28, 2018
A new letter to patients affected by the recent storage tank malfunction at University Hospitals fertility center revealed the actual number of affected eggs and embryos was twice the amount initially reported. The hospital is blaming the malfunction on human error as investigations into the failure continue.
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Assessing the full extent of damage after a crash takes time
Posted in Accident & Injury on March 27, 2018
After a car accident, motorists typically get out of their cars and assess the damage, if they are able to do so. They might see debris littering the roadway, broken glass and significant damage to the vehicle. However, it can be difficult to assess the full extent of the damage until a driver brings the… read more
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