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Self-driving Uber car hits and kills pedestrian

Around 10 p.m. on Sunday, March 18, a 49-year-old woman was killed in Tempe, Arizona, while crossing the street. She was struck by a self-driving Uber vehicle. This is thought to be the first death caused by a self-driving car. In the aftermath of the accident, Uber has decided to temporarily suspend all self-driving vehicles… read more

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Women may have trouble getting treatment for heart attacks

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, women are more likely than to die within one year of a heart attack than men are. This may be because women don’t necessarily get the same care as men. Women in Ohio and elsewhere who are under the age of 50… read more

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One simple way to strengthen your claim for lost wages

By William J. Price If you can’t work after suffering injuries in an auto accident caused by another driver, it’s reasonable to expect that you could recover your lost wages. This concept seems simple and fair. Unfortunately, when an insurance carrier is examining your claim, they may question or limit the time you can claim… read more

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Avoid these 3 mistakes after a car accident

No one wants to think about the possibility of being in a car accident. But when it happens, it’s important to know what to do – and what not to do – to ensure the protection of rights from a personal, insurance, and legal standpoint. Here are three mistakes to avoid after being involved in… read more

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Seeking compensation when a baby is born with broken bones

Expectant mothers and fathers in Ohio often do a great deal of planning when it comes to the birth of their child. They consider the medications the mother does or does not want during labor, where they want to have their baby and even what type of music they want playing during the delivery. Unfortunately,… read more

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AAA: Drowsiness causes nearly 10 percent of traffic crashes

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has just released a study showing that drowsy driving may be more of a hazard than current statistics would lead people to believe. Research shows that going 20 to 25 hours without sleep can cause drivers to function similarly to those operating with a blood alcohol content of 0.1…. read more

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4 ways to stay safe on Ohio roads this St. Patrick’s Day

Whether you are planning to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day or not this year, you should be aware that the roads may be more dangerous than usual. Besides the ever-present threat of distracted and reckless drivers, authorities expect there to be an increase in drunk drivers. Holidays and weekends are times when there is already an… read more

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Motorcycle season is here: It’s time to review some safety tips

Prime motorcycle riding season is right around the corner in Ohio. While you’re preparing your bike for the spring and summer season, it’s a good time to review some motorcycle safety tips:

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Off-label use of breakthrough cancer pain drug linked to serious opioid addiction and death

Cancer patients who are receiving regular pain medication and management can sometimes still experience sudden, intense flare-ups called breakthrough pain. Subsys, a fentanyl-based pain relief mouth spray, was developed by Insys Therapeutics and approved by the FDA to treat the condition. The drug delivers a painkiller mist 100 times more powerful than morphine for pain… read more

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Study finds more benefits of helmet use on motorcycles

Spring is right around the corner, and that means motorcyclists are likely getting their bikes ready for the road. If you or your loved one rides a motorcycle, then you are likely already aware of the risks that come with riding a motorcycle. However, just like a bike needs a tune up after being put… read more

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