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Social Security Disability claims can take years. But why?

After having Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) premiums automatically deducted from each paycheck, many Ohio residents are surprised to discover how difficult it is to get a decision on collecting disability benefits, despite a diagnosed qualifying medical condition. According to an exposé printed in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, thousands of Ohio workers who have applied for… read more

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The dangers of drowsy driving

Have you ever driven while you were really tired? Most people will answer yes to this question. Despite how commonly it occurs, drowsy driving is not safe. In fact, recent reports show that drowsy driving is actually much more dangerous than previously thought.

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Elk & Elk’s Amy Papesh to Discuss Asset Management at Upcoming Probate Seminar

Elk & Elk attorney Amy Papesh will share her extensive experience in probate and asset management at an upcoming National Business Institute live seminar in Akron. NBI’s “PROBATE: Everything You Need to Know.” takes place on Thursday, March 8, and Friday, March 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. at Doubletree Hotel Akron – Fairlawn…. read more

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Apple making it easier to access medical records

The process of gathering medical records can be overwhelming, to say the least. It brings to mind piles of paperwork and significant time spent gathering information from clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, and medical providers. Fortunately, advances in technology are making this process more streamlined – and much easier for consumers. A recent technological advancement on Apple’s… read more

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What you need to know about arbitration agreements at nursing homes

Placing a loved one in a nursing home is never an easy decision, but family members may feel relieved knowing that their loved one is safe and secure. Unfortunately, bad things can happen to residents in nursing homes. Abuse, neglect or sexual assault of residents is, sadly, not uncommon. Worse, in some nursing homes, the… read more

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Firefighters and cancer: What precautions should be taken?

Firefighters have dangerous jobs – in more ways than one. Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health found that firefighters have a higher-than-average risk of developing cancer. A total of 30,000 firefighters were involved in the study. Researchers found that firefighters were more likely to be diagnosed with respiratory, digestive and urinary… read more

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6 tips to keep your teen driver safe on the road

Getting a driver’s license is an important milestone in the life of a teenager. It’s also a time when many parents’ stress levels skyrocket. Driving can be dangerous and young people can make poor decisions. As a parent, how can you allow your teen to enjoy this newfound freedom while at the same time keeping… read more

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Being a designated driver doesn’t have to be a drag

The designated driver is an underappreciated role. But designated drivers serve an important purpose: To ensure that friends arrive home safely after a night of drinking. Drinking and driving can have devastating consequences. The possibility of getting a DUI/OVI, getting into an accident or getting seriously injured should be enough to keep anyone from drunk… read more

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How safe are infotainment systems in cars?

In today’s technology-driven world, many people can’t go an hour without checking their emails, text messages or otherwise using their phones. Perhaps the most important time of the day to be free from these distractions is when operating a motor vehicle. Distracted driving caused 3,477 deaths and 391,000 injuries in 2015 alone.

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Social Security Disability application tips

Many people who are disabled and unable to work rely on Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Those individuals had to go through the SSD application process, which can be discouraging, to say the least. The vast majority of initial claims are denied. In fact, only 34 percent of initial claims are approved. If the applicant… read more

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