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What You Need To Know About “Do Not Disturb While Driving” On iPhone

The new iOS 11 update on the Apple iPhone contains a safety feature that could prevent accidents and save lives. The Do Not Disturb While Driving feature has been added to the latest update. It works by blocking text messages and phone calls while the device’s owner is driving.

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How to Avoid Deer Accidents

Nobody wants to hit a deer on the road, but such accidents are far more common than you think. According to the Federal Highway Administration, there may be between one and two million animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) per year in the U.S. Other estimates hint at more than $1 billion in property damage and more than… read more

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Who is liable for injuries in an Uber or Lyft accident?

Taking an Uber or Lyft is a convenient way to get from point A to point B without using your personal vehicle or public transportation. Because there is no concern about parking, and the cost can even be lower than traditional taxi or limousine options, Uber, Lyft and similar services have quickly become popular. Many… read more

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Elk & Elk attorney Amy Papesh to present at Mass Torts Made Perfect

Elk & Elk attorney Amy Papesh will present on the probate side of mass torts at the upcoming Mass Torts Made Perfect Fall Conference in Las Vegas. Mass Torts Made Perfect is hosted by Levin Papantonio at The Bellagio on Oct. 18 to 20. It’s designed for those who work in the areas of plaintiff… read more

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Staying Safe On Fall Hay Rides And Corn Mazes

Hay rides, corn mazes, haunted corn fields, apple picking, and similar events are very popular in the fall. For many families, a visit to a farm is the quintessential fall experience.

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Co-Counseling a Personal Injury Case: Tips for Working with Other Attorneys

This article originally appeared in the September/October 2017 issue of Ohio Lawyer, the Ohio State Bar Association’s member magazine. By William J. Price A former client is injured in a car accident, holds the other driver accountable and asks for your help. If your firm doesn’t typically handle personal injury claims, you may think there’s nothing you… read more

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Texting Emergency Services in Cuyahoga County

Everyone knows the number to call in a serious emergency: 911. But what happens if you are in a situation where you simply can’t call or if the phone lines at emergency services are backed up? What about texting? If you could send a text message to emergency services, it could save time and give… read more

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How you can help victims of Hurricane Harvey

On Aug. 25, Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Southeast Texas. The storm poured 20 trillion gallons of rain on Houston and wind gusts reportedly reached speeds of over 130 mph. Several other areas along the Gulf Coast suffered devastating damage as Harvey continued along its path.

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Staying Safe On The Roads This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day is just around the corner. For many individuals and families, it means planning one last summer outing. Many motorists will be hitting the road, enjoying the last 3-day weekend of the summer. In 2016, Labor Day was September 6th. According to the Ohio Department Of Public Safety, there were more injuries and deaths… read more

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Avoid These Mistakes After A Car Accident

When a motor vehicle accident happens, victims may be in a state of shock. They are probably not thinking about what they should and shouldn’t do from a legal and insurance perspective – they are just reacting.

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