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Ohio Deer Season: Gun Safety

By William J. Price Deer hunting has always been about tradition. As a kid, I tagged along to learn the nuances of what to do and what not to do when killing an animal. As an adult, I imparted the family wisdom to my kin and relished the time alone with my children who enjoyed… read more

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5 Elk & Elk attorneys named Top 100 Ohio Super Lawyers

Elk & Elk Co., Ltd. announces the recognition of their trial attorneys as Ohio Super Lawyers and Rising Stars. CLEVELAND, OH (December 2, 2015) – The personal injury law firm of Elk & Elk® is proud to announce that five of the firm’s attorneys have been named to the Super Lawyers Top 100 Ohio and… read more

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IVC filters: 4 things you should know

Each year, doctors implant about a quarter of a million IVC filters into patients at risk for blood clots. New studies have revealed serious dangers associated with these devices. Doctors usually treat blood clots with an anticoagulant, also know as a blood thinner. However, blood-thinning medicines are not safe for some people. If you are at risk… read more

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Thanksgiving Fire Prevention Tips

For many Americans, the best part about Thanksgiving is sitting down to a delicious home-cooked holiday dinner with friends and family. Unfortunately, cooking is the number one cause of home fires and the greatest number of them occur on Thanksgiving Day. The American Red Cross offers these tips to follow while preparing your Thanksgiving meal: Do… read more

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J & J faces thousands of Risperdal lawsuits

More than 5,000 lawsuits have been filed against Johnson & Johnson for failure to warn doctors and consumers that Risperdal can cause boys to grow large breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Risperdal Litigation At least 1,500 Risperdal cases have been consolidated in Pennsylvania on behalf of individuals who allege the drug caused excessive male breast growth… read more

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Elk & Elk Goes Green

Elk & Elk Co., Ltd. is proud to announce its designation as “Green Certified” through the CMBA Green Initiative Certification program for the years 2015-2017. On October 2, 2015, Elk & Elk was among more than 40 law firms and offices recognized as “Green Certified” during the David Webster Greener Way to Work luncheon, hosted by… read more

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Is your hospital safe?

Not all hospitals are the same. In fact, one recent study showed patients who undergo common surgeries are safer at busy hospitals that perform the procedures regularly. Hospital surgical volume matters An article published in U.S. News and World report has shed the light on a little-known surgical risk: inexperience. Extrapolating data from Medicare statistics,… read more

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Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over kickoff event

The Portage County Safe Communities Coalition kicked off their annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” event on Monday, August 17, 2015 at Robinson Memorial Hospital. The event featured local speakers who have endured personal losses due to alcohol-related crashes, local law enforcement and government officials. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is a partnership… read more

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School Bus Driver Liability for Injuries

Earlier this year, the Ohio Supreme Court heard arguments about liability for injuries to children involving school buses. The issue in the case was whether school bus drivers are liable for injuries and fatalities when students do not go straight home after leaving the bus.  Although the court dismissed the case, the general issues are… read more

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Elk & Elk Sponsors Kyrie Irving ProCamp

  Elk & Elk sponsors annual Kyrie Irving ProCamp On July 25 and 26, Elk & Elk sponsored the annual Kyrie Irving ProCamp at Mentor High School. The sold-out event attracted nearly 600 boys and girls in grades 1 through 12. Participants were divided into smaller groups according to age to maximize their instruction time…. read more

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