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None 4 Under 21 Focuses on Long-Term Consequences of Decisions

Elk & Elk was the Presenting Sponsor of the 13th annual None 4 Under 21 and Choices Beyond Program, hosted by Portage County Safe Communities at Hiram College. Partner Marilena DiSilvio was the emcee of the afternoon, and Senior Partner David Elk spoke at the event. Approximately 2000 high school students from Portage County and neighboring… read more

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Loss of consortium claims for same-sex couples: Equal protection under the law?

In some states, married same-sex couples cannot receive benefits from personal injury claims that are afforded to married opposite-sex couples. On April 28, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the matter of Obergefell v. Hodges, one of four state cases[1] related to same-sex marriage scheduled before the nation’s high court this session. The… read more

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Diabetes Drugs Linked to Heart Failure and Death

Diabetics taking certain DPP-4 inhibitors should be warned about an increased risk of heart failure and death, says an advisory committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The panel concluded that diabetes medications Onglyza® and Nesina® should have their labels updated to include safety warnings based on recent studies. DPP-4 Inhibitors Linked to Heart… read more

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Faces of Change Luncheon Raises Over $250,000 for Victims of Sexual Violence

On Wednesday, April 15, members of the Elk & Elk team enjoyed an inspiring afternoon at the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center’s annual Faces of Change Luncheon. Elk & Elk served as a sponsor for the event, which raised more than $250,000. Faces of Change Luncheon The 2015 Faces of Change Luncheon honored the work of… read more

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Medical Apps for Injury Victims

Forgetting or choosing not to take your medicine is never a good idea, but for injured clients, it’s imperative to follow their medical provider’s care plan. In both personal injury and medical malpractice claims, the validity of an injury may come into doubt if you don’t follow up with your doctor and adhere to all… read more

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Stress Awareness: 5 Ways to Unwind in Ohio in April

April is National Stress Awareness Month. Stress doesn’t just afflict your mind; it can also affect you on a cellular level. In fact, long-term stress can lead to a wide range of illnesses – from headaches to stomach disorders to depression – and can even increase the risk of serious conditions like stroke and heart… read more

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FDA Issues Warning for Low-T Users

Last year, we told you about an alarming new trend: doctors prescribing testosterone replacement therapy for men who may not need it. Now, the FDA has announced that prescription testosterone products are only approved for the treatment of specific medical conditions, not for low testosterone levels due to aging. Additionally, manufacturers of all low-T medications… read more

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Prom and Graduation: Safe Driving

Prom and graduation season is exciting, but unfortunately, the months of April, May, and June are also the most dangerous times for high school students. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens. One out of three teen crashes is alcohol related and distracted driving results in thousands of deaths. To help reduce… read more

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Cleveland APL Telethon Raises $50,790

  On Friday, March 20, Elk & Elk joined Levin Furniture as the corporate sponsors of the 4th Annual Fur-Get-Me-Not Telethon. Telethon Raises $50,790 for Animal Protective League The fundraiser, which was hosted by WKYC Channel 3, raised more than $50,000 in support of the Cleveland Animal Protective League. Cleveland APL receives no government funding… read more

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Dangers of Off-Label Drug Use

We recently reported on the possible dangers of the anti-nausea drug Zofran® and equivalent generics when they are used off-label. But what does “off label” really mean? What is Off-Label Use of Medications? As we explained in an earlier post, “When a drug is used in a way that is different from that described in… read more

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