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Tips for Choosing a Safe Halloween Costume
Posted in Accident & Injury on October 8, 2014
Happy Halloween from your friends at Elk & Elk! Follow these simple tips when selecting a Halloween costume to help keep your little ghouls and goblins safe while trick-or-treating! Is Your Halloween Costume Safe? Select costumes made of fire-retardant fabric. Look for labels that indicate flame-resistance on all costumes, wigs, and hats. If you are… read more
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Is Your Doctor Giving You Fake Drugs?
Posted in Drug & Medical Devices on September 23, 2014
It seems that even doctors can fall prey to the same counterfeit drug scams that have plagued consumers. We received an email today, which announced the FDA has launched a new website, warning health care professionals about a growing trend: Fake drug distributors. “There is a growing network of rogue wholesale drug distributors selling potentially… read more
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Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Diabetes
Posted in Health & Wellness on September 17, 2014
A new study indicates that using artificial sweeteners may actually raise blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers in Israel have discovered that zero calorie sweeteners can affect the composition of intestinal microbes called “gut bacteria,” which can alter blood glucose levels. The study, published in the journal of Nature… read more
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Labor Day Safe Driving Tips
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 29, 2014
For many people, Labor Day means a road trip to celebrate the final days of warm weather with family and friends. AAA predicts more than 1.4 million Ohioans will travel at least 50 miles from home during the holiday weekend, with national estimates just under 35 million. Unfortunately, the busy holiday traffic also means an… read more
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5 Birth Injuries for Which You May be Entitled to Legal Compensation
Posted in Medical Malpractice on August 28, 2014
Although some birth defects occur due chromosomal abnormalities or genetics, others can birth injuries, which are the result of poor prenatal care or medical malpractice. Your baby may suffer from lifelong physical, emotional and mental issues as a result of the negligence of a healthcare provider that you trusted. In such a case, working with… read more
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Filing a Claim after a Hit and Run Accident in Ohio
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 26, 2014
http://youtu.be/FXD0Mwn1qhw?list=UU-L5izB-eqGewHuHeOIa6jA Personal Injury attorney David Elk recounts what happened to a former U.S. Navy seal when he was thrown from his motorcycle in a hit and run accident. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, nothing is more frustrating and alarming than the other driver speeding off from the scene, failing to take responsibility… read more
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Hospital Cyber-Attack puts Ohioans at Risk for Identity Theft
Posted in Community Outreach on August 22, 2014
Anyone who went to a hospital within the Community Health Systems network may be at risk for identity theft. In a regulatory filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Community Health Systems said it was attacked during April and June of this year by an “Advanced Persistent Threat” group believed to be operating out… read more
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Is Your Teen at Risk for Heat Injuries?
Posted in Accident & Injury, Health & Wellness on August 13, 2014
Summer is almost over and soon students will be heading back to school, but for thousands of kids, football training camp has already begun. While the media has been focused on concussions and traumatic brain injuries, heat injuries remain a major concern for youth football players and other student athletes. August in Ohio often includes… read more
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Xarelto: Is it the next Pradaxa?
Posted in Drug & Medical Devices on August 13, 2014
After the recent multi-million dollar Pradaxa lawsuit settlement, patients who suffered a bleeding injury while taking the anticoagulant Xarelto may wonder if they have a legal claim. For more than 50 years, patients with an abnormal heart rhythm known as nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AFib not due to valve problems) used a blood thinner called warfarin… read more
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J&J Pulls Hysterectomy Tool Due to Cancer Risk
Posted in Drug & Medical Devices on August 1, 2014
Johnson & Johnson has asked all hospitals to return a surgical device that can spread cancer in women being treated for uterine growths called fibroids. The company has instituted a voluntary “worldwide market withdrawal” of the surgical tool known as a laparoscopic power morcellator. During laparoscopic hysterectomies and myomectomies, surgeons use a power morcellator to… read more
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