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Memorial Day Safety Tips

Like many of you, at Elk & Elk, we’re looking forward to celebrating Memorial Day weekend with family and friends. Whether you’re travelling out of state, down the road, or even enjoying a “stay-cation” at home, here are some important safety tips. Highway Safety Tips Pay attention. Distracted driving puts everyone at risk. Avoid distractions… read more

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Dog Bite Prevention Week – 2014

By now you’ve probably seen the viral video of “Tara,” a family cat saving a young boy from a dog attack.  Unfortunately, dogs bite more than 4 million Americans annually, half of which are children. While not all bites are severe, one in five dog bites results in injuries serious enough to require medical attention. National Dog Bite… read more

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Poor Decisions and Confusion Lead to Finger Pointing

http://youtu.be/X6Iu3WVOE5Y Ohio medical malpractice attorney Jay Kelley recalls a case in which a woman who chose a simple outpatient procedure to avoid a long hospitalization, but poor communication by the medical team led to a horrible outcome.   Often in medical malpractice cases, the two sides of the claim do not see eye to eye. Their… read more

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Serious Risks Arise with Older Drivers

by Arthur Elk  If you or a loved one are getting older, it’s time to think about driving and the dangers it may pose. As an accident attorney with experience in this area, I know that there are risks with older drivers in terms of causing accidents and being the victim of an accident. There… read more

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Ride Your Bike to Work Day

Who doesn’t want to look better, feel better and save money? One simple decision can help you achieve all three: bike to work. To promote bicycle commuting, hundreds of communities throughout the nation are hosting Bike to Work Week and Bike to Work Day events in May. Bike to Work Week is a voluntary commuter… read more

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Should I Stop Going to My Doctor?

http://youtu.be/d5F9lIRoD6c Ohio attorney David Elk explains the importance of seeing your doctor and completing all medical treatment after an injury.   If you’ve already filed a lawsuit after an injury, you may be wondering if you should continue to go to your doctor. Frustrated by slow recovery, you may be thinking your treatment isn’t going to… read more

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Should You Store Your Car for Evidence after an Accident?

by  Arthur M. Elk If you have recently been involved in an automobile accident and your car has been totaled, you might be tempted to simply rid yourself of the remaining metal scraps. However, your vehicle might contain important evidence related to the crash. In some cases, you may be required to have it placed… read more

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OSHA: Is Your Boss Keeping You Safe?

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) was enacted by Congress in 1970. It governs workplace safety in both the private sector and the United States federal government. The Act’s main goal is to ensure that employers maintain a safe working environment for their employees. A personal injury attorney can help you file an OSHA… read more

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Texas Family Awarded $3M in Fracking Lawsuit

In a landmark fracking case, a Texas family has won $2.95 million from an oil company for years of sickness caused by polluted air from nearby drilling. According to court documents, Robert and Lisa Parr filed a lawsuit against Aruba Petroleum Inc. in 2011. They claimed fracking operations near their property had released toxins into… read more

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Calculating Future Medical Costs

http://youtu.be/s2n153feRx8 Ohio attorney Bill Price talks about what to do if your child has been severely injured in an accident and now needs long-term care. Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be very challenging, confusing and emotional.  Doctor bills, insurance claims, and other issues won’t wait for injuries to heal. What’s even more troubling… read more

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