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Distracted Driving Puts Pedestrians, Cyclists at Risk

A distracted driver hitting another motorist seems to be in the news daily. However, it’s not just drivers and occupants of vehicles who are in danger. A new report reveals that the number of bicyclists and pedestrians killed by distracted driving has risen dramatically. From 2005 to 2010, the number of pedestrians struck and killed… read more

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New Federal Seat Belt Rule for Buses

Rules requiring seat belts on buses were first proposed in 1968, following a deadly crash that claimed the lives of 19 people. 45 years later, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has finally issued a federal rule mandating seat belts on new motorcoaches and other large buses. The new rule, while a step in the… read more

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Lack of Oxygen at Birth Caused by Human Error

A 15-year Norwegian study published in a journal of the Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology indicates that human error is the most common cause of infant asphyxiation at birth. Birth asphyxia occurs when a baby doesn’t receive enough oxygen before, during or immediately after birth. Without oxygen, cells cannot work properly. Waste… read more

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A Look at the Car Accident Statistics in the State of Ohio

by Arthur Elk A car accident attorney can help you if you’ve been injured in an auto-related collision, but the best way to protect yourself is to do all that you can to prevent an accident on the road. The state of Ohio has seen an overall increase in the number of law enforcement stops… read more

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Hidden Truth Behind Hospital Death

When we enter a hospital due to injury or illness, we look to the doctors and hospital staff to provide a certain level of care to help us feel better and get healthy again. Unfortunately, sometimes patients do not receive the care they deserve and when a hospital stay leads to further injury at the… read more

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Thanksgiving Dinner Safety

The last thing you need with a house full of relatives is food poisoning or other holiday disasters. With a little preparation, your Thanksgiving feast can be fun, safe event. Remember that turkeys can carry salmonella and other harmful bacteria. Be sure to wash your hands, utensils and other surfaces that come into contact with… read more

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Rising Statistics on Tractor Trailer Related Injuries

Each day, we go about our lives on the road — expecting those around us to be alert and aware of their surroundings so as not to cause an accident. Despite improved safety measures, traffic accidents continue to occur across the country, with thousands of deaths and millions of injuries each year. Deaths from U.S…. read more

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Whistleblowers Receive $168 Million

In one of the largest payouts in history, people from three states will be taking home a share of the $167.7 million awarded to whistleblowers for exposing Johnson & Johnson’s use of improper marketing and kickbacks. $2 Billion Settlement In a press conference yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters that Johnson & Johnson (J&J)… read more

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Surgeon Performed Unnecessary Operations, Took Kickbacks

Nearly 30 patients in California have sued neurosurgeon Dr. Aria Sabit for medical malpractice; alleging he subjected them to needless spinal surgeries using implants supplied by a company from which he profited. Dr. Sabit has already settled six of the cases out of court for undisclosed amounts. In the latest suit, an elderly patient named… read more

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Make your home safe for trick-or-treaters

As a homeowner, you are responsible for keeping your property safe on Halloween and throughout the year. If a person trips or slips and gets hurt walking through your yard, you can be held responsible for any medical expenses they incur as a result. This is known as premises liability. Your friends at Elk &… read more

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