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Memorial Day Weekend sees 14 traffic fatalities in Ohio

The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) reports 14 people lost their lives in traffic incidents over the weekend – up one from 2012.* OVI-related traffic fatalities decreased to three for the weekend, down from seven in 2012. But OVI arrests increased nearly 5 percent. OSHP announced they made more arrests for impaired driving, drugs and… read more

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Gynecologists Question Robotic Hysterectomies

One in nine women will undergo a hysterectomy during her lifetime, making it one of the most common surgical procedures for women. With more and more women opting for robotic hysterectomies, the president of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG), James T. Breeden, issued a strongly worded statement. “Many women today are hearing… read more

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Driverless cars raise legal questions

In 2010, Google announced that it had been conducting research on driverless cars. Using data the company initially collected for Google Maps, the Google Car also integrates cameras, wheel sensors, laser range finders and radar to avoid traffic and other obstacles. Sergey Brin, one of the internet company’s founders, expects the technology to be widely… read more

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Statins may diminish benefits of exercise

May 24, 2013 A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that statins may block some of the benefits of exercise.  Statins are drugs used to lower cholesterol and include brand names such as Lipitor, Crestor, and Zocor. According to a New York Times blog, “[R]esearchers from the University… read more

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Senate committee passes drug compounding bill

5/23/2013  The U.S. Senate has approved legislation aimed at increasing federal oversight for companies that prepare and sell compound drugs.  One such company, the New England Compounding Center (NECC) was found to have shipped contaminated steroids that killed 55 people and sickened 686 others last fall. According to The Washington Post, the new bill, approved… read more

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$58M awarded in fracking related trucking accident

With the increase in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) gas well sites around the country, many are touting the economic boost the industry is forecasted to provide. More well sites mean more jobs. However, it also means an increase in the amount of semis and other large commercial vehicles. The increased traffic has caused concern throughout many… read more

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Litigation may improve patient safety

  Much of the debate over medical malpractice law suits stems over the perceived increased costs such litigation creates. Businesses in the medical field have collectively spent billions of dollars lobbying for tort reform to limit the number and scope these suits as well as attempting to mitigate awards to plaintiffs. Lost in this economic… read more

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Is Pfizer Benefiting From Negligence?

Pfizer announces partnership with Merck to develop a new drug to treat Type 2 Diabetes… the very disease that their blockbuster medication, LIPITOR® is accused of causing. A number of recent studies have revealed an increased risk for LIPITOR users to develop Type 2 Diabetes.  Lawsuits are mounting against Pfizer, the drug’s creator; alleging negligence… read more

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NTSB Recommends Lowering BAC to .05

by Arthur Elk In a report released earlier this week, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended that all 50 states should lower the threshold for drunk driving from .08 to .05 blood alcohol content (BAC).  According to the Washington Post, “That’s about one drink for a woman weighing less than 120 pounds, two for a… read more

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Lipitor Lawsuit

Pfizer’s blockbuster cholesterol-lowering medication LIPITOR® (atorvastatin) has recently been associated with an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes in women.  Lawsuits have been filed in courts around the country claiming that Pfizer failed to warn doctors and patients about the potential risks involved with using the drug. South Carolina – Evalina Smalls thought she was… read more

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