
Intersection Accidents

How defensive is your driving? When approaching an intersection, a driver must be alert, be aware of their surroundings and prepare for the unexpected. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHA), more than 50% of accidents annually occur around intersections. Below is a guide to understanding the causes of intersection collisions and how to...

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Avoiding a Highway Shoulder Accident

Highway shoulders are created as a safe zone for cars to pull off in case of emergencies; unfortunately, they aren't the safest area to avoid an accident. According to AAA, approximately 12% of all interstate highway deaths involve a vehicle on the highway shoulder. Causes of Accidents on a Highway Shoulder Side-swipes/Rear-ending: Some drivers may...

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Has COVID-19 Changed the Way We Drive?

Since March 2020, there have been a lot of changes in the world. COVID-19 has shifted the way we handle situations, our physical and mental health, how we interact with others, and even our driving. While a lot of travel decreased around the U.S. in 2020, traffic fatalities actually increased. So, with fewer cars...

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Why Do Truck Accidents Occur?

When long-haul truck drivers hit the road, they are expected to drive up to 11 hours and approximately 500 miles a day. In 2021, a non-truck driver's number of miles driven equated to around 39 miles a day. With the high mileage and long hours, truck drivers can be exposed to a variety of...

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Sharing the Road with Snowplows

After the recent snowstorms, plow trucks have been working extra hard (upwards of 12 hours a day) to create safe driving conditions for everyone. The long hours and rough weather make room for potential accidents to happen. Keep yourself and others safe when near snowplows by following these tips: Stay out of blindspots -...

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Drivers Beware: It’s Pothole Season

According to AAA, pothole damage costs U.S. drivers an average of $3 billion annually. They can do a surprising amount of damage, ranging from popping your tires to causing alignment issues and even ruining your shocks. Pothole damage can lead to pricey and widespread vehicle repairs. How Potholes Can Damage Your Car AAA published...

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Out-of-State Car Accidents

Traveling to see friends and family during the holidays can be exciting, but what happens when you get into a car accident out of state? We have created a guide to better understand what to do if this occurs.    Steps to take after an out-of-state car accident:  1. Call the police  It is essential to contact the authorities...

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Common Causes of Accidents in Ohio for 2021

As of December 2021, there have been over 54,000 car accidents with nearly 1,300 fatalities in Ohio. Let's take a look at the common causes that contributed to car accidents over the past year. Distracted Driving Distracted driving is anything that takes the driver's focus away while they are operating a vehicle, such as:...

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Drowsy Driving Prevention

November 7-14, 2021, is Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. Though it may seem like driving while tired is not dangerous, it causes more than 100,000 crashes and around 700 deaths every year. Over 50% of drivers have admitted to getting behind the wheel when extremely tired, which can be just as dangerous as driving intoxicated....

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Essentials to Keep in the Car

Whether you're driving across the country or just down the road, it's important to have a few items in your car for any unexpected situations. Below is a list of essential items to keep in your vehicle at all times. Jumper Cables/Portable Jump Box A car battery can die at any point without warning,...

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