Car Accident

Don’t Drink and Drive: Be Safe This St. Patrick’s Day

Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day and millions of Americans will be heading out to their local bar or pub to celebrate the holiday and drink. It is estimated that $245 million will be spent on alcohol. Every 51 minutes in this country, someone is killed in a drunk driving accident. The majority of the...

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Six people killed on Ohio’s roads during New Year’s holiday

By Arthur Elk Every year, the New Year’s holiday is one of the deadliest times of year on our country’s roads. The mix of wintry weather in much of the country and impaired drivers can make a very dangerous combination. The Ohio Highway Patrol reports that six people were killed on Ohio’s roadways during...

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Many drivers welcome new safety features in vehicles

If you’ve spent much time at all on Ohio’s roads, you know there are plenty of drivers who most of us would not consider “good” drivers. You know the ones I mean. The texters. The speeders. The aggressive drivers. The exhausted drivers. The newspaper readers. Unfortunately, our roads are full of drivers whose actions...

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