Health & Wellness
Neonatal health problems higher among black and Hispanic babies
Posted in Health & Wellness on October 4, 2018
A new study by the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention shows a large disparity between black and Hispanic babies and white babies when it comes to developing certain neonatal health conditions. Black and Hispanic babies are more likely to be born prematurely than Caucasian babies. (more…)
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Alternative transportation options for older adults
Posted in Health & Wellness on September 14, 2018
Having a car and driving is something many of us take for granted. For senior drivers who are about to stop driving, the loss of independence can be a difficult thing to go through. Fortunately, there are transportation options available to help seniors get around, attend medical appointments, run errands, etc. Learning what ride...
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Why fall risks in nursing homes shouldn’t be ignored
Posted in Health & Wellness on August 22, 2018
Falls at nursing homes and retirement homes are a real safety concern. Many nursing home residents are in the facility because of decreased mobility. Many are no longer able to walk or even stand on their own. Falling is a real possibility, and can have devastating effects. (more…)
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More American women die in childbirth than most industrialized countries
Posted in Health & Wellness on August 8, 2018
For nine long months, expectant mothers wait for the arrival of their child. And for most mothers, this is only the first chapter in a long story that is the life of a child. But something is going on in the U.S. A concerning number of women are dying in childbirth or shortly after....
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What can be done about Ohio’s rising infant mortality & premature delivery rates?
Posted in Health & Wellness on August 7, 2018
It's something no population wants to hear: That its infant mortality rate and premature delivery rates are high and rising. But in Ohio, it's a reality. (more…)
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Ohio’s rising infant mortality rate & premature delivery rate
Posted in Health & Wellness on July 19, 2018
Elk & Elk recently published a SlideShare discussing Ohio's rising infant mortality rate and premature delivery rate. Please view this presentation to learn more: Ohio's Rising Infant Mortality Rate & Premature Delivery Rate from The Law Buzz
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Helmet technology reduces bicyclists’ injury risk
Posted in Health & Wellness on July 10, 2018
We all know that helmets save lives, but have you ever considered how the particular design of a helmet may impact its performance in the event of a bicycle accident? A new study has determined big differences in the protection a helmet’s design can provide against a concussion. New anti-concussion helmet technology may help...
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7 Ways to stay cool at work
Posted in Health & Wellness on June 28, 2018
There’s no question that the summer heat can be dangerous if you work outside. Construction and farm workers, for example, may spend their whole work day outdoors. High temperatures pose an equal threat to some indoor jobs, such as cooking or manufacturing. Wherever you work, it’s important to avoid getting overheated or dehydrated. Here...
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How To Recognize Signs of Elder Abuse
Posted in Health & Wellness on June 14, 2018
It’s a top priority for most adults to ensure that a parent or elderly loved one is well looked after by an accountable caregiver. Yet, multiple studies estimate that more than 1 in 10 seniors in the United States have experienced elder abuse. An elderly adult may be embarrassed, scared or unable to talk...
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Before you commit: Two things to consider when choosing a doctor
Posted in Health & Wellness on April 25, 2018
Finding a good doctor can be an exercise in patience -- no pun intended. Numerous websites tout reviews of doctors or include patient testimonials, but these sites rarely give you a full picture of a medical practice or individual. In fact, two of the most useful factors to look for while researching physicians rarely...
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