Health & Wellness

Deadly superbugs a major problem in hospitals

By Arthur Elk There is a new family of superbugs spreading through U.S. hospitals and health officials are sounding the alarm now, before it’s too late. This class of superbug, known as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, tends to affect immune-compromised people who are hospitalized for a long time or are living in a nursing...

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5 tips for a safe, fun Spring Break family trip

Are you planning on taking your family on vacation for Spring Break this year? You will not be alone. According to predictions by the U.S. Travel Association, leisure trips by Americans are expected to increase by 1.3% this year. Traveling with kids can be stressful if you aren’t prepared to meet their needs during...

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Should you stay home if you have the flu?

Are you hesitant to call in sick, even when you are seriously ill? Do you worry that you should go in to work even if your body is telling you to stay in bed? Many of us may feel that we have to go to work, even on days we really shouldn’t. But experts...

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Do you know the signs of a heart attack?

February is a month where we celebrate love by giving our heart to someone on Valentine’s Day. But it also is a month where we raise awareness of how to keep that heart healthy. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. That’s one reason why every year, February is...

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Arthur Elk: Energy drinks pose a real health risk

By Arthur Elk In the past four or five years, energy drinks have surged in popularity. I have watched as brand names like 5-Hour Energy, Red Bull and Monster have become part of our culture. The supercharged caffeinated drinks are especially popular among teens and young adults. Unfortunately, the surge in popularity of these...

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Be safe on the roads this holiday season – Don’t drink and drive

By Arthur Elk Last week, most of us celebrated Thanksgiving with our family and friends. Many of you probably started your Christmas shopping on Black Friday. As December approaches, we are in the full swing of the holiday season, with Christmas and New Year’s right around the corner. The holidays are a festive time,...

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Stay informed about food recalls

Foodborne illnesses kill more than 3,000 people each year in the United States. One in six Americans become sick from a foodborne illness annually. With numbers like that, it’s no wonder that food recalls are on the rise and awareness of the issue seems to be rising, as well. Food recalls in the United...

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Telemarketing company accused of misleading donors

Akron-based InfoCision, a telemarketing company that solicits donations for charities such as the American Cancer Society, is accused of keeping most of the money raised and lying to the public about it. An article in the October issue of Bloomberg Markets Magazine details the allegations against the company. According to the article, InfoCision instructs...

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Protect your family from the West Nile Virus

If you watch the news at all, you probably have heard about all the West Nile cases popping up this summer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. is on track for 2012 to be the worst year on record for cases of the West Nile Virus. Dr. Lyle Peterson,...

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