Accident & Injury
How To Sue For a Dog Bite Attack In Ohio
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 15, 2018
Ohioans spend a lot of time outside during the summer, whether they are doing yard work, walking around the neighborhood, or eating outside on a restaurant patio. And for the most part, these outdoor excursions are fun – or at least uneventful. That can all change if a person is bitten by a dog....
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Safety Tips for Drivers 65 and Older
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 14, 2018
A recent study by the AAA Foundation For Traffic Safety found that 83 percent of older drivers never initiate a conversation about driving safety with a family member, doctor or concerned loved one. The Foundation is recommending that family members talk to their loved ones early about aging and driving safety. Talking to a...
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Shopping for school supplies? Stay away from these
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 8, 2018
In a matter of weeks, children across Ohio will be back in the classroom. That means parents are getting out to do their back-to-school shopping to purchase the things their kids need to have a good start to the new year. If you are among these parents, you should be aware of some potentially...
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Ohio drivers: Why you need to be especially cautious this month
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 1, 2018
Did you know that over the past five years, more Ohioans have been killed in car accidents during the month of August than in any other month? As noted in an article on the deadliest month for Ohio drivers, 563 people died in motor vehicle crashes in August between 2013 and 2017. By comparison,...
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Parent drivers, child passengers, and distracted driving
Posted in Accident & Injury on July 26, 2018
Distracted driving is a dangerous practice, something that all drivers should avoid. But drivers don’t let these dangers stop them from using phones while they drive. In fact, distracted driving is more of a problem than ever. Distracted Driving Accidents on the Rise Over the past two years, there has been a 14.4 percent...
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Are the Ohio State Fair rides safe?
Posted in Accident & Injury on July 24, 2018
The Ohio State Fair is a much-loved and anticipated event. Unfortunately, this year serves as a reminder to many Ohioans of the tragedy that happened one year ago. At the 2017 Ohio State Fair, a tragic accident occurred on the Fire Ball ride, killing 18-year-old Tyler Jarrell and injuring several others. The ride fell...
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Why drivers should consider getting a dash cam
Posted in Accident & Injury on July 18, 2018
Technology has revolutionized driving. Up until about 20 years ago, drivers relied on paper maps to find their way. Cars with driverless features are slowly replacing human-operated vehicles. By 2020, 10 million self-driving cars are expected to be on the road. (more…)
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Taking legal action after a crash with a speeding driver
Posted in Accident & Injury on July 9, 2018
We’ve all seen them: Drivers who speed by us on the highway or come racing up behind us on a busy road. These are drivers who follow us too closely, race through intersections and weave in and out of traffic. Often, just seeing a driver like this on the road can make anyone feel...
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Injured over the Fourth of July? Know your legal options
Posted in Accident & Injury on July 5, 2018
The Fourth of July might be behind us now, but fallout from the holiday could still be ahead for any person who was seriously injured as a result of a celebratory-related accident. More could be on the way, too, as people continue to observe the holiday going into the weekend. There are many types...
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Bicyclists: Is it time to update your equipment?
Posted in Accident & Injury on June 27, 2018
Did you know that over 80,000 bicyclists went to the emergency room in 2015 for head injuries? Or that 840 riders died in accidents in 2016? Considering the massive number of people injured or killed while riding a bicycle in the U.S. every year, it is crucial to understand what steps we can take...
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