Accident & Injury

3 Myths about distracted driving

When it comes to distracted driving, many people think that they are the exception to the rule: That they can safely text while driving, talk on a cell phone while driving, and engage in other forms of distracted driving. But this is dangerous thinking: No one is truly safe while distracted driving. (more…)

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The dangers of drowsy driving

Have you ever driven while you were really tired? Most people will answer yes to this question. Despite how commonly it occurs, drowsy driving is not safe. In fact, recent reports show that drowsy driving is actually much more dangerous than previously thought. (more…)

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6 tips to keep your teen driver safe on the road

Getting a driver’s license is an important milestone in the life of a teenager. It’s also a time when many parents’ stress levels skyrocket. Driving can be dangerous and young people can make poor decisions. As a parent, how can you allow your teen to enjoy this newfound freedom while at the same time...

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Being a designated driver doesn’t have to be a drag

The designated driver is an underappreciated role. But designated drivers serve an important purpose: To ensure that friends arrive home safely after a night of drinking. Drinking and driving can have devastating consequences. The possibility of getting a DUI/OVI, getting into an accident or getting seriously injured should be enough to keep anyone from...

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How safe are infotainment systems in cars?

In today’s technology-driven world, many people can’t go an hour without checking their emails, text messages or otherwise using their phones. Perhaps the most important time of the day to be free from these distractions is when operating a motor vehicle. Distracted driving caused 3,477 deaths and 391,000 injuries in 2015 alone. (more…)

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App pays passengers and bystanders to report distracted driving

There are two types of drivers in the world: Those who engage in distracted driving and those who don’t. For those who don’t, it can be frustrating – even infuriating – to see other drivers texting while driving, talking on their phones while driving, and engaging in other dangerous behavior behind the wheel. But...

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Why won’t the insurance adjuster call me back?

By William J. Price Every plaintiff has the same complaint: "The insurance adjuster will not call me back." It’s not unusual, and the adjuster is not making the matter personal. Your case is classified as a claim, and adjusters do not call people back due to the volume of claims. An efficient and diligent...

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Aging parents and driving: Keeping your loved one safe

As an adult with aging parents, you might be concerned about their continued safety behind the wheel. You know that being able to drive is a huge source of independence. The choice to give up their driving license should not be taken lightly. How do you know if it is the right time? (more…)

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Lake County using variable speeds to create safer road travel

Most of us are used to seeing static speed limit signs on the side of a road or freeway. However, as driving conditions change, the posted speed limit is not necessarily the safest speed to drive. Winter weather can make for dangerous driving conditions in Ohio. Multiple car crashes and injury accidents are not...

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How to Avoid Gaps in Your Treatment After an Injury

By William J. Price A gap in treatment is a period of time when there is no documented medical treatment. For example, if you are in an accident and do not go to the emergency room for over 30 days, there is a 30-day gap in treatment. A second type of gap can occur...

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