Accident & Injury

Why Attorneys Shy Away from Slip and Fall Accident Cases

There are many different types of personal injury cases such as car accidents, slip and falls, wrongful death and medical malpractice incidents. Any experienced attorney will be happy to help you with most personal injury cases, yet some of them shy away from slip and fall cases. Why? A person who slips and falls...

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Arthur Elk: Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

By Arthur Elk The highways are filled with semi-trucks and tractor-trailers. Because of their large size and tremendous weight, semi-trucks are more prone to accidents than small passenger vehicles. As a car accident lawyer, I see cases like this all the time. When they occur, there is a huge risk of injury. Ironically, truck...

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Headaches and Personality Changes Signs of Serious Brain Injury

 Ohio attorney Art Elk wants you to keep an eye out for your relatives or loved ones who have recently been in a car accident and are showing signs of modified behavior.   After an automobile accident, you may feel a variety of different aches and pains. Upon examination at a hospital, you may...

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Ohio Traffic Fatalities Up in 2012

After six consecutive years of decline, motor vehicle traffic fatalities increased in 2012. According to data recently released from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Ohio had one of the largest annual jumps in fatalities in the nation in 2012 and was among 37 states where the number of traffic fatalities rose last year, and...

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Dangerous Toys

This holiday season, we all need to be aware of the toys we buy and make sure they are safe for children. Be sure to read labels and only buy age-appropriate toys. Remember that siblings share toys, and a gift intended for an older child with small parts could pose a safety hazard in...

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What to Do If You Get Stuck in the Snow

Winter is upon us and for much of the country, that means navigating treacherous roads. Before you head out, make sure you have a Winter Survival Kit stocked with the necessary supplies. Snow and ice, a collision, or even mechanical problems may cause you to become stuck in an inoperable vehicle. If you have...

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Distracted Driving Puts Pedestrians, Cyclists at Risk

A distracted driver hitting another motorist seems to be in the news daily. However, it’s not just drivers and occupants of vehicles who are in danger. A new report reveals that the number of bicyclists and pedestrians killed by distracted driving has risen dramatically. From 2005 to 2010, the number of pedestrians struck and...

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New Federal Seat Belt Rule for Buses

Rules requiring seat belts on buses were first proposed in 1968, following a deadly crash that claimed the lives of 19 people. 45 years later, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has finally issued a federal rule mandating seat belts on new motorcoaches and other large buses. The new rule, while a step in...

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A Look at the Car Accident Statistics in the State of Ohio

by Arthur Elk A car accident attorney can help you if you’ve been injured in an auto-related collision, but the best way to protect yourself is to do all that you can to prevent an accident on the road. The state of Ohio has seen an overall increase in the number of law enforcement...

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Thanksgiving Dinner Safety

The last thing you need with a house full of relatives is food poisoning or other holiday disasters. With a little preparation, your Thanksgiving feast can be fun, safe event. Remember that turkeys can carry salmonella and other harmful bacteria. Be sure to wash your hands, utensils and other surfaces that come into contact...

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