Accident & Injury
Arthur Elk’s Winter Survival Kit For Your Vehicle
Posted in Accident & Injury on November 12, 2012
By Arthur Elk Like the Boy Scouts always say, it pays to be prepared. Are you prepared for any emergency that may occur while you are driving? Automotive emergencies can take many forms – from accidents to breakdowns. If you live in an area where you must deal with winter weather for several months...
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Grant to help fund new anti-texting-and-driving measures
Posted in Accident & Injury on October 22, 2012
Earlier this year, Ohio joined the growing list of states with bans on texting and driving, yet many states are discovering how difficult it is to stop texting and driving and enforce the bans. A total of 38 states ban texting while driving, and many municipalities have their own texting and driving ordinance. In...
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Halloween Safety: Dangerous drivers scarier than vampires and werewolves.
Posted in Accident & Injury on October 5, 2012
Ghouls and ghosts and goblins should be the only things kids have to be afraid of during the Halloween season. Distracted or unsafe drivers should not be an issue. But unfortunately, they can be. That’s why as drivers, we need to be extra aware as Halloween approaches. If you aren’t a parent, you might...
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Group discourages use of trampolines for play
Posted in Accident & Injury on September 25, 2012
Most kids love to play on trampolines. Bouncing up and down on a backyard trampoline looks like a lot of fun, but one expert says use of the popular piece of equipment should be strongly discouraged. Michele LaBotz, co-author of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ statement on trampoline safety, says that even safety features...
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Drivers who use cell phones are high-risk drivers, even without devices
Posted in Accident & Injury on September 21, 2012
By now, we all are aware of the dangers of texting or using other electronic devices while you are behind the wheel. In 2010, more than 1.2 million accidents involved drivers who were talking on their phones or texting. In response, many states have enacted laws banning the use of cell phones by drivers....
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Euclid focus of insurance company’s motorcycle safety efforts
Posted in Accident & Injury on September 12, 2012
One Cleveland suburb has become part of a nationwide effort to increase motorcycle safety. Allstate Insurance has posted signs reading "Watch for Motorcycles" at one intersection in Euclid as part of the company's ONE (Once is Never Enough) program. The Ohio personal injury lawyers of Elk & Elk believe that motorcycle safety is an...
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Many drivers welcome new safety features in vehicles
Posted in Accident & Injury, Car Accident on September 10, 2012
If you’ve spent much time at all on Ohio’s roads, you know there are plenty of drivers who most of us would not consider “good” drivers. You know the ones I mean. The texters. The speeders. The aggressive drivers. The exhausted drivers. The newspaper readers. Unfortunately, our roads are full of drivers whose actions...
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Ohio Personal Injury Lawyers: More Americans traveling this Labor Day weekend
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 31, 2012
As the unofficial end of summer, Labor Day traditionally finds many of us celebrating with family picnics, ball games and vacations. In spite of soaring gas prices once again creeping near the $4 per gallon mark, a higher number of travelers are expected to be traveling during this long Labor Day weekend. According to...
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Are Magnetic Balls Dangerous?
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 15, 2012
A safety watchdog has filed suit against the manufacturers of magnetic balls, claiming they are dangerous to children. The Cincinnati product liability lawyers of Elk & Elk believe companies should not benefit from dangerous products. In an effort to protect children, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has sued two companies that manufacture high-powered...
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Child Restraint Laws in Ohio
Posted in Accident & Injury on August 9, 2012
One of the most important jobs for any parent is to keep their children safe. A study released this week said that many parents may be failing to do just that each time they get in a vehicle. The Front Seat is No Place for a Child The study published Tuesday in the American...
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