Workplace Injuries and Claims

Extreme Heat on the Job

As the mercury rises, my heart goes out to workers laboring in the hot sun. They repair our roads, cut our lawns, harvest our food, and in some cases, literally provide the roof over our heads. Many of these jobs have obvious dangers, but in the summer months, workers exposed to hot and humid...

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Anyone can have an accident at work

In a heartbreaking accident, an acrobat plummeted to her death during a live performance of Cirque du Soleil’s Las Vegas show “Ka” at the MGM Casino. The Las Vegas Sun reports that aerialist Sarah Guillot-Guyard was suspended high above the stage when she suddenly fell over 50 feet into the pit below. While tragic,...

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BP Fighting Payments to Spill Victims

In what appears to be an effort to intimidate oil-spill victims, BP is sending out hundreds of letters, warning settlement recipients they may have to return part of the money. BP is currently appealing the settlement process, alleging administration errors that resulted in overpayments and “fictitious awards.” According the Houston Chronicle, “One of the...

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Workers’ Comp may not pay for PTSD

The Ohio Supreme Court recently ruled that an injured truck driver suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may only receive workers’ compensation benefits for his physical injuries since the cause of his psychiatric condition was the horrific nature of the accident, not the injuries themselves. The case stemmed from a 2009 motor vehicle accident....

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Ohio launches new variable speed limit signs to make work zones safer

Summer is right around the corner. That means besides warm weather and having the kids home from school, we should expect to see lots of orange barrels on the roads. Public safety officials are urging Ohio drivers to slow down in work zones. Over the past decade, the number of work zone crashes in...

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New laws tackle social media password issue

By Arthur Elk Last year, we started hearing about a new privacy concern for employees and even job seekers. News stories were popping up everywhere about bosses and interviewers asking for social media passwords so they could see what people were posting online. At that time, it was obvious that existing laws in most...

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Ohio Employment Claims Lawyers: Illinois becomes 2nd state blocking employers from asking for social media logins

State lawmakers and the federal government are taking steps to stop employers from improperly snooping in employees’ and potential employees’ social media accounts. The employment claims lawyers of Elk & Elk believe laws must be in place to protect individuals’ privacy. Earlier this week, Illinois became the second state to pass a law that...

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