Has your IVC Filter caused you injury?
Retrievable inferior vena cava (IVC) filters have been reported to cause serious injuries if left in the body too long. In May 2014, the FDA issued a statement that IVC filters should be removed within 29-54 days after implantation, as long as the patient’s risk of pulmonary embolism (PE) had subsided.
IVC filter injuries
- Perforation of the inferior vena cava, heart, or lungs
- Filter fracture
- Filter migration
- Infection
- Severe chest pain
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Hemorrhagic pericardial effusion (excess fluid around the heart)
- Cardiac tamponade (compression of the heart caused by excess fluid around the heart)
- Lower-limb Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Hematoma
- Filter embolization
- Stroke
- Death
Do I have an IVC filter case?
The medical device attorneys at Elk & Elk are investigating claims involving IVC filters from Bard®, Cook Medical® and other manufacturers. If you had any retrievable IVC filter implanted after 2002, call 1-800-ELK-OHIO today. You may be eligible for substantial compensation.