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Ohio City Ranks Among the Worst Drivers in The Country

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Have you ever felt frustrated by another driver, such as someone driving slowly in the fast lane or someone texting behind the wheel? You’re not alone. Many people think that their city has the worst drivers, but an annual report by QuoteWizard reveals which cities actually have the worst driving habits.

Using data from over six million car insurance quotes across the 70 largest cities in the U.S., QuoteWizard analysts evaluated four key factors to determine where drivers rank best and worst. These factors include:

  • Speeding tickets
  • Citations (such as using a cell phone while driving or running a red light)
  • Accidents
  • DUIs

Cities With The Worst Drivers

Source: QuoteWizard

Ohio’s Worst Drivers: Dayton, Cleveland, and Columbus

Three cities in Ohio—Dayton, Cleveland, and Columbus—were ranked among the worst in the country. Dayton was especially bad, earning the title of the second-worst driving city in the U.S. because of its high number of speeding violations and citations.

Source: QuoteWizard

Dayton is second to Milwaukee regarding speeding, and it’s the third-worst for citations. This means that drivers in Dayton often break traffic laws by speeding, running red lights, and doing other unsafe things. Cleveland also did poorly in speeding, coming in fourth place nationally.

Source: QuoteWizard

No city in Ohio made the list of best drivers, and the state was ranked fifth-worst for overall driving quality in 2022.

What Makes Someone a Good Driver?

Some places are notorious for bad drivers, while others are known for having safe ones. But what makes someone a good driver? It’s not just about following the rules—being a good driver means paying attention, making smart choices, and caring about safety. Here are a few things that make good drivers stand out:

  1. Staying Focused: Remember, staying focused while driving is really important. Avoid taking your attention away from the road, like texting, eating, or doing too many things at once.
  2. Obeying Traffic Laws: Always drive within the speed limit, stop at red lights, and follow road signs. These simple rules are important for keeping everyone safe on the roads.
  3. Maintaining Safe Speeds: Driving too fast greatly raises the chance of accidents. Responsible drivers know it’s crucial to adjust their speed based on the conditions, like when the weather is bad, or the roads are slick.
  4. Anticipating Hazards: Defensive driving is important for staying safe on the road. It’s all about being ready for anything and watching out for other drivers so you can react quickly if something unexpected happens.
  5. Practicing Patience: It’s important to stay calm and give other drivers space on the road. Arriving at your destination safely is more important than driving aggressively or rushing.
  6. Avoiding Impairment: Always make sure you’re sober and alert when driving. Driving while tired can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence.

By adopting these habits, drivers can significantly reduce their chances of being involved in an accident or receiving a citation. These qualities are crucial to being a good driver and help keep roads safe for everyone.

The Importance of Safe Driving Habits

It’s crucial for Ohio drivers to be safer on the road to help prevent accidents. This involves driving slower, avoiding distractions, and not drinking and driving. If we all drive more safely, we can make Ohio’s roads safer for everyone, whether you’re in Dayton, Cleveland, or any other city in Ohio.