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How Social Media Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case



With sites like Facebook and Twitter, social media has changed how we document our lives and share them with the world.

But you should also be aware that while you’re sharing your adventures and experiences with others, it can also show the truth.

Such is the case for one client we had who was injured by a drunk driver. We brought her case to the other party’s insurance company and they denied our claim. Why? Because the other passenger swore she was not drunk. So they stalled on us until the criminal court could make a decision regarding the incident. But that’s not enough for us. Our client was suffering because the other party lied and we can’t just wait on a case with people hurting.

During investigation of the accident and into the other party, it was found that she had placed multiple messages on Facebook referring to the accident. Her first message was the night before in which she stated she was going for “beer and brats” with her friends. And the very next day (after the accident) she went onto Facebook asking all friends and family to pray her because she did something terrible to someone else.

We presented this evidence to her insurance company which obviously understood she was lying and paid out our claim. Our client was actually awarded the full amount of compensation. This is what we mean when we say we’ll fight for you. We don’t let other parties stall with tactics and excuses. We look for other ways to prove our case and get the job handled.

To learn more about personal injury law, I encourage you to watch the video above and to explore our educational website at https://www.elkandelk.com. If you have legal questions, please call us at 1-800-ELK-OHIO. I welcome your call.

– David Elk