Seattle Elder Abuse Attorney

Identifying elder abuse is not always an easy task. In some cases, the elderly are unable to physically speak or communicate what they are suffering to other members of the community or family due to their weakness or disability. If you have discovered that your loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, you need to seek legal advice from a Seattle elder abuse attorney at Elk & Elk Co., Ltd. We want to help you get justice for the victim and prevent this type of abuse from happening to another unsuspecting member of the elderly community.

Elder Abuse Resources

Elk & Elk Is the Preferred Elder Abuse Legal Firm in WA State

  • Elk & Elk has decades of experience handling elder abuse law cases in Washington state – one of the worst states for elder abuse in the U.S.
  • We maintain transparency throughout the entire legal process so that you know the state of your case every step of the way.
  • Our firm works on a contingency-fee basis for elder abuse claims, meaning that you will not have to pay for our services unless we win your case. This can help ease the financial difficulties that may come with ensuring the safety of your loved one.

Why Hire Our Seattle Elder Abuse Lawyer?

  • Your elder abuse lawyer will be able to stand up against an entire company/organization, should the caregiver’s employer choose to refute against your claims.
  • The Seattle personal injury attorneys at Elk & Elk will also be able to guide you towards the best course of action to ensure the safety and financial future of your loved one suffering abuse.
  • They will finally be able to advise about which documents and evidence you will need to best ensure a successful legal proceeding as they file your claims.

How Common is Elder Abuse?

The state of Washington is keeping a close eye on problems surrounding what goes on with the care of elders. In fact, there have been recent reports released by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) about adult abuse that Elk & Elk want to make sure you know about:

  • In 2018, over 90,000 cases of vulnerable adult abandonment, maltreatment, abuse, and financial exploitation were reported to the DSHS in the state of Washington – most of whom were disabled individuals over the age of 60.
  • This figure is triple the amount of reported cases in 2012 and still a substantial rise from the 2017 figure of 48,000, indicating a worsening problem.
  • In 2018, Washington state ranked 14th among financial penalties filed against nursing homes for negligence and abuse towards their elderly residents.

With the Washington elderly population growing by the day, the state of elder abuse must improve. Legal action against abusers and enablers is one of the many ways that we can start the fight against elder abuse together.

What to Do if You Suspect Elderly Abuse in the Seattle Community

Knowing the risks and vulnerabilities of the elderly is the first step in assuring a better future for those suffering at the hands of malicious caregivers. However, it is equally important to know what to do after the fact so that swift and decisive action can be taken on the behalf of the victims:

Contact a Seattle Elder Abuse Attorney for Assistance

Seattle elder abuse lawyer

No elderly person should have to endure abuse at the hands of a caregiver. The trauma incurred can be physical as well as emotional and psychological for many Washingtonians experiencing this type of maltreatment. Our Seattle medical malpractice lawyers have experience dealing with these types of cases and is ready to help you and your family with all your legal needs.

Reaching out to a Seattle elder abuse lawyer is one of the first steps towards justice following the terrible events that have occurred to your loved one. For further legal support, consult a personal injury attorney in Seattle. To contact legal representation, please consider calling 1-844-ELK-WEST (1-844-355-9378) or filling out our online form.